Story of Ricky 2 : Dint King Inside King aka powerful man

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  1. Raminchia

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    In realta' si tratta di un falso sequel che niente ha a che vedere con Riki-oh, e' solo un espediente pubblicitario.
    Non credo che questo film offra momenti altamente esilaranti come l'originale...
    Comunque sarebbe da recuperare e visionare, in modo da farsi un'idea piu' precisa, anche se non esistono sottotitoli ( e men che meno un doppiaggio) in Inglese.

    Dint King, Inside King (or Super Powerful Man) is a low budget, futuristic martial arts movie starring Fan Siu Wong, Leung Kar Yan, Jin Song, He Hong-Jun and Wu Rui-Ting which opens in December in China. Somewhat similar to Heroic Trio, Dint King, Inside King is set in the distant future, when the people live in hardships after the earth faced a great catastrophe. Clean water and power supply which are running scarce are being monopolised by Black Palace Clan's Black Eyes. Professor He, who doesn't yield under coercion, covertly researches alternate means of generating power and purifying water. On learning of the professor's research, Black Eyes orders his henchmen to track him down. While Professor He manages to escape, one of his two sons is caught and taken away, and raised by Black Eyes to be a ruthless killing machine. Professor He's other son, He Shen, under his arduous training scheme, grows up to become a Super Powerful Man with unstoppable powers.

11 replies since 18/6/2008, 14:41   440 views